Fulbright Programs
For Americans
Approximately 30 to 50 Americans are selected each year in the categories listed below. Grants to Americans are usually all-expense grants ranging from 2 weeks to 12 months.
Grants for Scholars and Professionals
1. Lecturing Program
(10 months; 5 months possible)
Teach undergraduate or graduate courses, or a combination of both, in a social science and humanities field of specialization related to the American experience. - https://fulbrightscholars.org/award/study-united-states-teaching-social-sciences-and-humanities-7
2.Lecturing/Research Program
(10 months; 5 months possible)
For lecturing in undergraduate and graduate courses and conducting research in all appropriate disciplines. - https://fulbrightscholars.org/award/all-disciplines-teachingresearch-15
3.Research Program
(3 to 9 months)
For conducting research in all appropriate disciplines, but applications in the social sciences and humanities related to the Commission’s Fields of Study are preferred. - https://fulbrightscholars.org/award/all-disciplines-research-36
4.Journalist Program
(3 to 9 months)
For conducting research in applicant's area of specialization. Applicants must be working journalists and have at least three years of experience. - https://fulbrightscholars.org/award/journalism-research-0
5.International Education Administrators (IEA) Seminar
(Short term group program-2 weeks)
A two-week group seminar designed for U.S. higher education administrators to familiarize with Japanese higher education system, society and culture. Program consists of briefings, campus visits, and appointments with selected government officials, cultural activities and meetings with Japanese international education professionals. - https://fulbrightscholars.org/award/us-japan-international-education-administrators-award-0
6.Fulbright Specialist Program
(2 to 6 weeks)
The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) promotes linkages between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas. The program awards grants to qualified U.S. faculty and professionals, in select disciplines, to engage in short-term collaborative two- to six-week projects at eligible institutions around the world.
- U.S. scholars and professionals interested in becoming Fulbright Specialists should see the website below and apply to join the Fulbright Specialist Roster.
- https://www.worldlearning.org/program/fulbright-specialist-program/
- For Japanese institutions interested in hosting Fulbright Specialists, please see the website below (Japanese only.)
- https://fulbright.jp/scholarship/host_institutions.html#specialist
7.Fulbright Global Scholar Award
(3 to 6 months)
The Fulbright Global Scholar Award allows U.S. academics and professionals to engage in multi-country, trans-regional projects. U.S. scholars and professionals will be able to propose research or combined teaching/research activity in two to three countries with flexible schedule options; trips can be conducted within one academic year or spread over two consecutive years for three to six months total with minimum of one month spent in each host country. - https://fulbrightscholars.org/us-scholar-awards/global
Grants for Graduate Students and Graduating Seniors
8.Graduate Research Fellow Program
(12 months)
PhD dissertation research candidates, graduate students enrolled in professional schools such as law, business, journalism, international relations, public administration, and fine arts or graduates from the above-mentioned professional schools within 3 years of the time of application, are eligible to apply. Non-Japanese studies specialists or first-timers to Japan must show the feasibility of their proposals and indicate how a Japanese experience will relate to their career plans. - https://us.fulbrightonline.org/countries/east-asia-pacific/japan/1582
9.Fulbright Fellow (for graduating seniors) Program
(10 months)
The program aims to introduce young Americans to different regions of Japan while they pursue research projects and language study at assigned universities. The main purpose for the research project is to serve as a vehicle for cultural immersion into Japanese society. Through the project, students are expected to engage directly with the assigned university and local community. Applications will be considered from graduating seniors. Future career and academic objectives are also important considerations and should be mentioned in the Personal Statement in the application. - https://us.fulbrightonline.org/countries/east-asia-pacific/japan/1583
Fulbright Program Worldwide
The Fulbright Program is administered in over 160 countries throughout the world. For information about Fulbright Programs around the world, see the website below:
United States Department of State
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Office of Academic Exchange Programs